We are excited to get started this year! All information needed for marching band is here on the website now.
All students will need to submit the following forms by this Friday, May 28th in order to sign up:
Handbook agreement form.
Medical form & travel permission form.
The financial agreement form (Please submit the form that matches your instrument/group).
The above listed forms are on this website under the "forms" tab, or click the following link: https://www.brookwoodhighschoolband.com/forms
All music (except for percussion) is online and available for download, click the following link: https://www.brookwoodhighschoolband.com/music or just click the "music" tab on this website!
In addition to the above forms and music, please sign up for our New remind 101 by using the following instructions:
Students: text @bd4ac7f to 81010 or click here: https://www.remind.com/join/bd4ac7f
Parents: text @c38a2fg to 81010 or click here: https://www.remind.com/join/c38a2fg
Both of the above reminds will receive the same messages, so please only sign up for one of
See the schedule below for our list of games. Our competition schedule is coming soon! If you are attending the band parent meeting tonight, I will give you these forms in paper copy, otherwise, please print and submit them ASAP! If you have any questions email me at ejardovino@tcss.net!
