The Crimson Star Band has been invited to perform at the TCSS Marching band showcase on September 24th! The performance will start at 7:00 PM at Tuscaloosa County High School. Distancing and sanitation will be enforced. More details will be available soon!
Remember to bring Shoes, socks, band shirt, and shorts! Brass players, bring an old black t-shirt to use as a makeshift bell covers until ours come in the mail! Tubas, bring an old sheet if you have them! Black is preferable, but any dark color will suffice!
- No non-band members in the stands or band room (With the exception of chaperones). We ask that parents, siblings, alumni, and friends of the band members please stand outside of our area of the stands and the band room.
- Visual ensemble members may not get ready in the hallway by the band room. You must get ready on your own and strictly adhere to social distancing!
- Members will be shown where to stand and they must stay in that assigned spot for the duration of the night!
- No eating in uniform!
- No drinking carbonated, colored, or sugary drinks in uniform!
Have a good night and I look forward to tomorrow!