Good afternoon! Below you will find information on how to sign up for marching band. Please read through the entire post so you don't miss anything! Also the handbook has been updated, if you want to review the changes, click here:
When course selection cards come through, sign up for both TEE Symphonic/Marching and TEEConcert band. This will make sure you are in band year round. This is a requirement. Visual ensemble does not have to sign up for a band class.
Make sure all forms are filled out and turned in by the end of the year. Forms are available here:
They are also available in the band room for students to take home.
You will need:
Band Handbook Agreement Form (in the band handbook)
Medical Form
Travel/Field Trip Form
Financial Agreement Form
Please be on the lookout for future updates about visual ensemble tryouts, drum line tryouts, and leadership auditions.